Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I don't know why Microsoft shipped this, it's clearly not finished. I would forgive an occasional bug here and there but I really can't use it for two minutes without having some problems. I took a break from writing a paper for school to write this post because I need to vent. This software will make it take much longer than it needs to. I've only just started it and I've already experienced the following:

- Disappearing cursor
- I've got two windows open, one full of notes and the one with the actual paper. If I'm in my browser space and my documents are in another space, clicking the Word icon in the dock or in the app switcher will bring my last active Word window into that space. But not the other one.
- Random space switching. If an app wants your attention for something, it will bring you to the space it's in if you aren't already in it. Several times I've gone into the space with all my word windows (keep in mind, it was all of my word windows) and it went into another space. A space with no word windows. 

I honestly think Microsoft left these bugs in to try to bring some users back to Windows. There's just no way they could have shipped this and not seen all of these bugs, because they reliably come up after a few minutes of use. When I'm not typing something for school that requires a certain number of pages, I use Text Edit, which is Apple's stock text editor. It doesn't do as much as word, but at least I can use it without wanting to break a house down with my face.